About Keep Wales Tidy's Tidy Towns' work in Cardiff

Hi, my name is Chris Partridge and I am Keep Wales Tidy's Tidy Towns Project Officer for Cardiff. Activities we undertake are often in partnership with Cardiff Council's Parks Department (both waste services and Community Park Rangers) and Street Cleansing. We have organised events for several businesses across Cardiff and is happy to accommodate future requests. For more information you can contact Chris on 07717 412 270 or by Email: chris.partridge@keepwalestidy.org You can also follow me on Twitter for upcoming events @CardiffKWT

Thursday 21 April 2011

Otters, holts and cross-border activities

Cardiff shares its borders with several counties and every now and then we join up with KWT colleagues to look at a cross border activity. Earlier this week, I joined up with Ian Harvey, KWT's Tidy Town's officer for the Vale of Glamorgan to look at a joint Vale/Cardiff Event for this summer. It was also an opportunity to meet a Vale Biodiversity Officer to verify the signs of an otter. Ian works very closely with Llamau over in the Vale and he took them out along a river looking for tell tale signs of otter spraints deposited on elevated mounds or stones. One of the Llamau vols found a pile and this was confirmed by the Biodiversity Officer on our visit.

A little further away, we had a look and agreed a potential site to build an otter house, called a holt with one of Ian's groups.

We took a walk then to the flyover of the A4232 where it passes over the Ely. This was stinking with rubbish which we think is a result of car drivers chucking it out of their windows with some of this blowing away. A massive job for a massive group of fit volunteers especially with the steep banks to contend with.

Slideshow of spraints and the litter:

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